Sex: Male
Size: Medium-Large
Born: 2018
Vaccinated ✅
Sterilized ✅

Rod was hit by a motorbike on a very busy, dark road and broke his leg. He was the only puppy to be found in the area and he may be the only lucky one to of survived the busy road and so we took him into safety.

Rod has been renamed “Dobby” and has been adopted by VetVan Thailand’s founder Jazmin after the recently loss of her precious boy.
Dobby has joint the family with our earlier rescue Mercy and the pair are in love and play continuously. He is making lots of friends, is a very good boy and has already learnt to “sit”. Dobby’s previous leg injury isn’t causing him any issues and we will continue to observe in the future.
Dobbys recently blood test shows he has anemia and throbocytopenia which the doctors believe is from blood parasites. His liver and kidneys are ok.

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