About VetVan Thailand

Company Overview

While working to get the much needed support and donations to expand, Jazmin and team of volunteers provide ongoing CNVR (Catch, Neuter, Vaccinate, Release) campaigns, healthcare, support and food to local street animals in Rayong, Thailand. 

This animal welfare project started in early 2018 and has quickly taken to the streets, already helping hundreds of animals in need and has already placed more than 500 dogs and cats into forever, loving homes and tens of thousands sterilised, never to breed again.

  • What VetVan Does?

    Targeting some of the most unreachable and local areas, we travel in our van to CNVR stray dogs and cats, provide medical care and daily feeding routes. Completing several ‘Spay Days’ each month, we work to reduce the amount of unwanted, uncared for stray dogs and cats born to the streets each year.

    Setting up in local areas and traveling to clinics, we sterilize and medicate animals in need of our help. We support temples and locals caring for their animals as many of them are unable to afford needed medical care and/or neutering/spaying. We’re grateful for the care given to their companions, usually brought in off the streets. We feel it’s best to work at the root of the cause and spay locals pets to prevent more unwanted births and stray animals.

    Traveling to home call outs to regularly medicate and support low income households caring for many animals, Jazmin and team educate families on the wellbeing of their companions and encourage spay and neuter.

    VetVan often comes across stray dogs and cats in urgent need of care and provides transportation and medical care to ensure the animals needs are met and they recover to full health.

    Our mission is to spay!

    We do NOT have shelter facilities or clinic.

    We work with local veterinary clinics and rescue organisations to make a bigger difference, fast!

  • Where It All Began

    After living and working in Thailand for coming up 6 years, while volunteering, rescuing, donating and educating for the welfare of street animals, I, Jazmin, came to realize what is missing.

    With minimal dog and cat shelters and organizations, working to reduce the ever growing dog population, it’s almost impossible to see an end to Thailands issue. As I spend many days per week volunteering at a local dog shelter, dogs just keep arriving, puppies are being born everyday and the organisation is not able, to spay/neuter enough dogs to even stop the repopulation in 1 small town, let alone make a difference throughout Thailand. This is where I realized I can help make a big difference.

  • The Problem

    Thailand is known for its increasing numbers of unsterilized stray dogs and cats. Every day more are dumped on the streets after falling sick, pregnant or just not being wanted anymore. It’s a sad and heartbreaking experience for these animals and they’re left in pain, often struggling to stay alive. As we explore more far reached areas we are finding many more sick, struggling dogs and cats but we really need more to help them.

  • The Start Of VetVan

    2018 came the year to begin VetVan Thailand, a ongoing spay/neutering campaign and mobile medical care for stray dogs and cats. Founded by Jazmin, an English female, VetVan got started quickly and hit the streets to help more animals and prevent future suffering.

  • Achieving More

    As we build awareness and seek support we also unfortunately attract increased numbers of animals being dumped on our doorstep – invariably most severely malnutritioned, sick and desperately needing a roof and veterinary care – neither of which we have the funds or space for. We struggle to find help for these animals and we need your help.

  • What's Missing?

    We urgently require a permanent foster home and clinic for sick and vulnerable animals. Dogs, who are unable to fend for themselves on the streets as they’re used to having a home, are being dumped regularly. Strays are hit by cars, get injured and require surgery and care for durations of time. This is why we need a foster home! We need a base and somewhere to keep animals safe when needed. We can then welcome more visitors and volunteers as well partnering with other rescue and veterinary organisations and doctors so together we can make a huge difference, quickly. To help Jazmin get the foster home started please consider donating to our fundraiser: www.gofundme.com/vetvanclinicandfosterhomeforstrays

The Team Behind VetVan

Jazmin French

Founder & Managing Director

Jazmin founded VetVan in 2018 with a mission to spay! Managing every aspect of VetVans operations and logistics voluntarily, sacrificing her life to VetVans work and the wellbeing of animals. Jazmin’s not stopping and has even bigger plans and aims to reach more strays in the coming years.

Jazmin’s an English animal lover, living in Thailand for over 8 years, volunteering throughout to help Thailand’s forgotten animals. Our mission is made possible because of this women’s dedication, sacrifices and tireless work.

Tanya Doty


Tanya is VetVan Thailand’s official Director, handling official communications, back office business and manages VetVan with Jazmin voluntarily.

Tanya is Thai/American and her bilingual skills help pull our organisation together. She’s a vital part of the progress of VetVan over the past year and we’re honoured to have her heading our organisation.In fact, VetVans first ever mobile clinic was held at Tanyas home!
Always having rescue dogs of her own, being a local business owner and voice for the needing, Tanya volunteers and directs VetVans legal obligations and pushes us on our animal welfare mission to spay!

Michelle Coote

Director of Cat Care

Michelle is a devoted animal lover who we are honored to have on our team! In 2015 Michelle helped her first homeless cat, in Thailand, recover from chronic kidney failure. Today she helps 80+ homeless cats and kittens daily. Living between her home, the grounds of her condo building and a local temple, Michelle’s days revolve around the cats. The numbers keeps growing as more cats are abandoned and left for us to care for. As do we, Michelle believes all homeless animals deserve a chance to live their lives without hunger, pain and suffering. This is why her work doesn’t end at cats. She also feeds and medicates stray dogs daily, on the beach roads and temple, while ensuring our end mission is to spay to prevent more voiceless suffering strays to be born. Michelle has worked alone for several years and is our crazy, loving cat lady!


Volunteer Admin & Translator

Fah volunteers and works tirelessly behind the scenes of VetVan and is a huge part of our success and development this year. Fah is our admin and translator, working day and night supporting the team, interviewing to find animals their dream homes and being a star Jazmin couldn’t be without!

This women is an dog lover through and through and has such a huge heart. With many of her own rescue dogs at home while while working with the strays of Koh Samet to ensure all are sterilised and living healthy safe lives, Fah is a hidden gem. VetVan really wouldn’t what it is without Fahs support and we’re forever grateful for her time and patience

Jay Smith

Assistant Manager - Spay Clinics

Opening his home to one of Jazmins very first rescue cats and since going on to rescue and house several rescue cats and dogs, Jays love for animals needs no words.

Jay assists Jazmin with managing clinic and survey operations, preparing dogs for surgery and helping get new team members trained up and confident in their work. He's a great team player, joining our weekly spay clinics, getting dirty and working long days with the team.


Street Dog Support

Gop has been working with VetVan since 2019. Helping to round up dogs for sterilisation, surveying to make sure we don’t miss any and out on daily feeding routes around our area.

Gop has rescued many dogs with us and does all she can to support our mission. Every day she's committed to stray dogs and makes sure they don’t go hungry and gives them the care and attention they so deserve.


Street Dog Support

Ann spends her days and nights surrounded by dogs, voluntarily. Whether is be the many rescue dogs at home or the beach strays she feeds daily, Ann is always hands on and happy to help them however she can. Anns selflessness and need to help animals makes us blessed to call her our friend and volunteer.


Street Dog Support

Oil has been volunteering with VetVan since early 2019. Supporting our mobile clinics, transporting dogs to and from clinics, surveying for strays to sterilize and overall just being an animal lover through and through. Oil loves the strays as do we and together we work hard to ens the stray dog population in areas of Rayong. Another beautiful animal loving soul!

More about VetVans Founder, Jazmin

Growing up Jazmin always had cats and dogs at home in London and like her mother, was an animal lover. She would, over her childhood years, visit local rescue centers such as Battersea Dogs home and volunteer her time loving and caring for the many in need.

Jazmin has many rescues in her family at home and works tirelessly to fundraise for sterilisation, raising awareness, educating and finding adoptive families in order to improve Thailands street dog and cat over population issues.

When starting VetVan her only aim was to provide help to struggling strays by providing sterilization and vaccination but a lot more has come of VetVan and the loving team built up around Jazmin to make our mission a success.
Jazmin is on a mission to spay, medicate, love, support and educate and with your help she’ll continue to build VetVan and ensure thousands are helped each year!